Monday, May 19, 2014


3. The Internet of Everything The Internet is expanding beyond PCs and mobile devices into enterprise assets such as field equipment, and consumer items such as cars and televisions. The problem is that most enterprises and technology vendors have yet to explore the possibilities of an expanded internet and are not operationally or organizationally ready. Imagine digitizing the most important products, services and assets. The combination of data streams and services created by digitizing everything creates four basic usage models – Manage; Monetize; Operate; Extend. These four basic models can be applied to any of the four "internets” (people, things, information and places). Enterprises should not limit themselves to thinking that only the Internet of Things (i.e., assets and machines) has the potential to leverage these four models. Enterprises from all industries (heavy, mixed, and weightless) can leverage these four models.

4. Hybrid Cloud and IT as Service Broker Bringing together personal clouds and external private cloud services is an imperative. Enterprises should design private cloud services with a hybrid future in mind and make sure future integration/interoperability is possible. Hybrid cloud services can be composed in many ways, varying from relatively static to very dynamic. Managing this composition will often be the responsibility of something filling the role of cloud service broker (CSB), which handles aggregation, integration and customization of services. Enterprises that are expanding into hybrid cloud computing from private cloud services are taking on the CSB role. Terms like "overdrafting" and "cloudbursting" are often used to describe what hybrid cloud computing will make possible. However, the vast majority of hybrid cloud services will initially be much less dynamic than that. Early hybrid cloud services will likely be more static, engineered compositions (such as integration between an internal private cloud and a public cloud service for certain functionality or data). More deployment compositions will emerge as CSBs evolve (for example, private infrastructure as a service [IaaS] offerings that can leverage external service providers based on policy and utilization).

Thursday, May 15, 2014


Gartner, Inc. highlighted the top ten technologies and trends that will be strategic for most organizations in 2014 and companies should factor into their strategic planning processes,” said David Cearley.
Mr. Cearley said that the Nexus of Forces, the convergence of four powerful forces: social, mobile, cloud and information, continues to drive change and create new opportunities, creating demand for advanced programmable infrastructure that can execute at web-scale.

On this blog, we will highlight these trends.

1. Mobile Device Diversity and Management Through 2018, the growing variety of devices, computing styles, user contexts and interaction paradigms will make "everything everywhere" strategies unachievable. The unexpected consequence of bring your own device (BYOD) programs is a doubling or even tripling of the size of the mobile workforce. This is placing tremendous strain on IT and Finance organizations. Enterprise policies on employee-owned hardware usage need to be thoroughly reviewed and, where necessary, updated and extended. Most companies only have policies for employees accessing their networks through devices that the enterprise owns and manages. Set policies to define clear expectations around what they can and can't do. Balance flexibility with confidentiality and privacy requirements

2. Mobile Apps and Applications Gartner predicts that through 2014, improved JavaScript performance will begin to push HTML5 and the browser as a mainstream enterprise application development environment. Gartner recommends that developers focus on creating expanded user interface models including richer voice and video that can connect people in new and different ways. Apps will continue to grow while applications will begin to shrink. Apps are smaller, and more targeted, while a larger application is more comprehensive. Devlopers should look for ways to snap together apps to create larger applications. Building application user interfaces that span a variety of devices require an understanding of fragmented building blocks and an adaptable programming structure that assembles them into optimized content for each device. The market for tools to create consumer and enterprise facing apps is complex with well over 100 potential tools vendors. For the next few years no single tool will be optimal for all types of mobile application so expect to employ several. The next evolution in user experience will be to leverage intent, inferred from emotion and actions, to motivate changes in end-user behavior.

Monday, May 5, 2014


As JAMB CBT examinations draws closer, TECRES Consult wishes all students the best in their academic pursuit. Below is the concluding part of the jamb cbt steps series.

When you enter the CBT exam center, you see a Welcome page on the allocated computer.

  1. Please type your jamb registration number and click submit to Login in to your exam area.
  2. Please read the following instructions carefully.
  3. Click the start button to retrieve questions.
  4. The timer will start immediately.
  5. Your UTME registered subjects are provided for you on the top of the screen.
  6. Select any of them and take your exam
  7. You can move from one subject to the other on the same page
  8. Choose your answer by clicking a, b, c, d and click next
  9. You have three buttons - back button, omit button, next button
    • Back button - to go back to the previous question
    • Omit button - to take you to the next question if you don't want to answer
    • Next button - move you to the next question after you have answered
    • You can go back to previous subject and start where you stopped
  10. You can click the page shortcut to move from question 1, 2 ,3 up to the last question and each question you answer will be highlighted to show that it has been answered
  11. Click logout upon completion
  12. Congratulations, you have finished your exam.

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