In preserving information assets value, risk, content and lifecycles, deploying a document management solution is the way to go however cost of digitizing can sometimes outweigh the value of such documents.
The essence and benefits of information management is to have access to documents as at when needed. The first point of call is to provide physical archive reorganization to free up space and have a better estimate of your paper volume. The reorganization is done by moving old documents more than 10 years into indexed archival boxes for retention storage and reorganizing newer and current documents in a chronological order with proper index labels. An index tracking list is created using spreadsheet for easy access and retrieval thereby eliminating time wastage and improved efficiency.
Tecres Consult is a document management company that specializes in archive reorganization, digitization (document scanning/conversion) and document management services. We help organizations evaluate their document management needs and analysis to ensure that each one realize the maximum level of business benefits.
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