Thursday, April 26, 2018

How Document Archiving Can Help Your Company Run Smoothly

Many successful businesses use document archiving system to help their business store and secure important file. These help them save their document from damage and improper handling. It also reduces the chance of files being lost. They also use document archiving system to help store and secure important files. These are often the reason they look for companies offering document archiving solutions.

Why Should I hire a Document Archiving Company?

Businesses need these companies to help organize important files. These companies can help organize important files. They can help file legal and financial document properly so you can easily access them, also save you time and effort from browsing through each cabinet searching for a document.  Aside from archiving media and electronic files, these company’s also provide document imaging services, these are useful tools in business operations because it can convert text, diagrams, charts and pictures into accessible digital files. These processes allow your company to run ‘green’ operations by reducing paper usage. Not only will your company help the environment, it will also cut costs on expenses.

What Should I Consider When Archiving Document?

The methods for storing documents may vary every time a new technology emerges. You need to consider the rules involved in this process and decide which files you need to archive and which one you should get access to immediately. This is because there are many new tools offering efficient and affordable solutions and the number of software tools used for document imaging service and archiving consistently increase giving businesses more opportunities to archive at a lower rate.

Are There Risks With Document Imaging Services or Archiving?

You need to consider that risk are part of any business, and also exist in any archiving system and businesses must consider this when making archiving policies. The business owner should employ adequate safeguards to protect the stability and security of the archive because risks of these processes depend on how secure the archives are.

What are The Benefits of Hiring These Companies?

The benefits of having efficient document storing system have increased along with the technological solutions. Using a secure storage provider will not only free up space but offer a secure storage facility equipped and protect records from floods and fire. If your company requires long-term record retention but has a low volume of retrieval, it will most likely not be feasible or cost to convert every single file. A viable alternative is to partner with a provider that can store and manage large volumes of existing files and deliver records in an on-demand electronic format. The files will be digitally arranged, it is easier to find the files you need, the exact file you are looking for with just a few clicks.

Businesses can now scan or convert files into digital items, reducing the amount of physical space required for systemized record keeping. If you’re thinking of giving your business an organized archiving system, try services offered by document managing firms.

Thursday, April 19, 2018

Document Digitization – Not An Expensive, All-Or-Nothing Leap

Every business has documents that they must maintain for legal compliance, and operational business needs, including contracts, legal filings, personnel files, and even marketing materials.
As time passes and the business grows, the sheer volume of documents that are generated and stored regularly can overwhelm a traditional filing cabinet system.
Although many companies look for document storage solutions for their physical records, the most efficient way to manage paperwork is to create digital copies of their important files and store them on shared drive, portable hard drive, on-site document management system or on the Cloud.
Every important company record or document can be scanned and converted to digital files (digitization) because it provide quick access and instant backups (disaster recovery and business continuity) for a business’s entire collection of records.

Why a Document Digitization Is Beneficial
Reducing paper dependency and inefficiency doesn't have to be an expensive, all or nothing leap. By inserting affordable scanning, storage and paper to digital uploading into existing processes, organisations can progressively move to digital records while retaining the option of outputting key documents to paper chart.

Transitioning to digital records from a traditional or offsite file storage system has a several advantages:
Space: Anywhere from 1 to 3 filing cabinets can be stored on 1 gigabyte of disk space. This frees up a little over 3 square feet of office space.
Time: On average it takes 10 minutes to get up; go to a filing cabinet; find a file; find a document, process it (copy, fax or scan and email) and then return the file to its proper location. You do that just 6 times and you waste an hour. Time is money. Electronic file retrieval takes under 30 seconds and is done without leaving your desk. You can print a copy, email or fax from your computer.
Safety: You cannot spill coffee on, smear, tear or lose your original document. And if someone else loses the document that you sent, you can easily resend it.
Compliance: All of your documents are available for compliance inspection electronically. Compliance can inspect your file without removing them from your system so you work without interruption.
Disaster recovery and business continuity:
Documents are backed up to a remote location weekly, daily or hourly and easily for disaster recovery. An electronic document management system functions as an automatic insurance policy against loss or damage to your files.
How to go about it?
Tecres Technologies Bulk Document Scanning (on and off site) is a professional services helping organization to transform manual paper records and conversion of back office operations to digital records.
Tecres Technologies can help you;
  1. Collate – group and classify all documents
  2. Sort – arrange and label all documents to remove duplicates
  3. Index - create metadata of each documents in a spreadsheet (Document title, type, date and other key fields)
  4. Digitize - scan each documents arranged in a chronological order using accepted index fields for digital preservation
  5. Migrate - present digitized records in appropriate storage media, and or solution.
To get started, fill out the form at, send us an email at or give us a call on +234 802 061 9478. Within minutes of receiving your request, you will have free quote from us.