Tuesday, March 11, 2014


  1. There are fifty questions in each subject with the exception of the Use of English, and you are expected to attempt all.
  2. The maximum time allowed for this test is 45 minutes meaning you have 54 seconds to spend on each question; in the case of the Use of English, the time allowed is 90 minutes.
  3. If you do not have instant idea of a question, you can skip it by scrolling to the next question; you can re-attempt the skipped question when you have attempted others. All the fifty questions are on one page, so you can scroll up and down as it pleases you to attempt your question.
  4. Upon answering your perceived simple questions, you can scroll up or down to answer the once you left behind, you can also move round all the question by clicking on the questions on the navigation box and it will take you direct to the question, after answering all question you can click finish attempt and it will take you to summary of all you have answerd and unanswerd at that point you can click on return to attempt and make correction or answer the unanswerd once and final click on finish and submite and move to the next subject.
  5. Repeat Step 4 above for every subject.
  6. In the event of exhausting the allowed time, the system will end the test for you automatically and present your raw score which may later be subjected to standardization, standardization is for true live examination, for practice CBT test no standerdization, rather, your score and reasons for right answer will be given to you.
  • Note
  • Questions are supplied upon clicking on the start button below. As soon as the questions are supplied, the timer will start reading immediately in descending order.
  • For purpose of practice test candidates are expected to choose any year of their choice.

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