Thursday, July 3, 2014


Integral to an organization’s content environment, document management involves the acquisition, storage and recovery of information pertinent to operations.
A well-functioning document management system (DMS) generates agile document-modification while improving records' retention, security, auditing and summarization.
Regulations and quality standards developed by professional agencies for maintaining operational/performance criterion across a wide range of enterprise/business processes motivate DMS-integrity.

ISO Guidelines
The International Organization for Standardization generates ISO-guidelines to provide best-practice principles/procedures for quality assurance, environmental management and information security. Several ISO pertinent standards are:

• ISO-9001 Quality Standard regulates workflows producing goods and services. The benchmark for quality enterprise management, it fulfills the rigours of independent, external audits. ISO9001 applies to similar products/services of the same relative class/function, globally controlling these processes to guarantee consumer needs and expectations are satisfied.

• ISO-14001 offers worldwide standards for appropriate and safe control of enterprise processes that may negatively affect the environment through wasteful/dangerous acquisition of natural resources or excessive energy consumption. Internal audits maintain 14001-certification, ensuring these standards are upheld.

• ISO-27001 standardizes practices for security of organizational information. Systematic evaluation of security risks identifies administrative priorities for managing threats to information security. The objective is assure confidentiality, integrity, and safe-access to information. The three guidelines generate enterprise cost savings through improved efficiency, productivity, and market-expansion, caused by reliable measures of quality-assurance, environmental-protection and data-security.

Julius Macaulay is the Principal Consultant at TECRES Consult ( providing ICT training and document management consultancy services for organizations. He holds a masters degree in Information Technology with special interest in "the paperless office".
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