- Document storage is simply storing documents, you can do this on your computer, online (cloud)
- Document Management is typically a program that has several features that assist in inputting, storing, finding and sharing documents. This can be software you put on your computer or access online.
- Every business needs a way to manage and to store their documents; document management provides both solutions whereas document storage does not.
- Document storage usually offers a folder structure for storing documents and sometimes very basic search abilities.
- Document management solutions usually offer features such as audit logs, versioning, OCR (Optical Character Recognition), multi-user permissions, and various ways to import paper and digital documents such scanning, importing, and folder monitoring to just name a few.
- Document management systems give you a framework for organizing all organization papers. These systems work in tandem with scanners, which convert your paper documents into digital versions.
- Storing various document types, including word-processing files, emails, PDFs and spreadsheets
- Creating new files directly within the system that can be edited and shared with others
- Searching an entire library of files by individual keyword
- Sharing documents with co-workers, departments and clients
- Restricting access to certain documents
- Monitoring who is viewing documents and when
- Tracking edits being made to documents
- Retrieving previous versions of edited documents
- Controlling and regulating when out-of-date documents can be deleted
- Accessing, editing and sharing documents via mobile devices
Tecres Consult www.tecres.com.ng is a leading document management company in Nigeria specialized in mass document scanning (bulk digitization), archive reorganization, document needs analysis and EDMS implementation.
Contact us today
- Facebook: facebook.com/tecresconsult
- Email: enquiry@tecres.com.ng
- Website: www.tecres.com.ng
If you want to combine documents storage and management you may use Ideals virtual data room. This service provide a cloud for data storage and together with it you may exchange documents.