Tecres Technologies Nigeria Limited is a Document Scanning and Management Company providing EDMS ECM BPM paperless solutions to public and private organizations throughout Nigeria and West Africa Region.
Tuesday, January 31, 2017
Planning Your Digital and Hard-Copy Processes
Many businesses are finding themselves moving from hard copies to digital copies in a world that are becoming more and more technology-driven. Now with two types of mediums to handle, managing the information and documents can become a confusing and tedious task.
Besides the environmental benefits that a paperless document management system provides, one of the biggest draws to implementing a digital records system is the accompanying organisation and convenience.
Connecting your digital copies with your hard copies can be tricky when you first implement the hybridised system. There are three, initial concepts to keep in mind in order to keep your business running smoothly:
* Have a plan! Document the plan so that everyone in your organisation is well aware of the protocol.
* Stay organised! Don’t let bad habits make things more confusing for you in the future.
* Keep it simple! Try not to over-complicate your new system. After all, this is intended to make your life easier.
These concepts are fully explained below so that you can get on your way to a more efficient and organised office right away.
(1) Have a Plan
Once you make the constructive decision to adopt an electronic record storage system, you’ll want to thoughtfully plan out the process so that you can get the most out of your new protocol.
The most important way to reap the benefits of a digital record system is to keep everyone informed of the plan and document it well.
When using a hybridised system of electronic and physical document copies, be sure to plan which copies you will keep digital and which will continue to be used as hard-copies right from the beginning. A good way to make this decision is to only keep hard copies when it is an absolute requirement, whether by legal requirements or company policy.
Once you decide which types of files are to be converted and/or kept digital and which types of files are to remain hard-copies, clearly document this so that all employees are educated on this distinction.
Also be sure to maintain a proper procedure for documenting whether a file is in a digital or physical form in order to stay organised.
Some other things to consider when creating your plan include:
* Which employees have access to which files
* Keeping your plan simple and easy to follow
* Spotting any faults in your plan early so that you can quickly make changes before they worsen into larger problems
(2) Stay Organized
With a proper plan in place, the next thing to remember (especially in the beginning of implementing a new system) is to stay organised.
Make sure that your plan is rigorously followed in the beginning to develop proper habits for your employees in the future.
One way to ensure your plan is being carried out properly and productively is to perform periodic checks on the system to make sure everything is still organised and easy to use.
(3) Keep It Simple
Simplicity is the key to organisation and efficiency when beginning a new record storage system. You adopted a new document management structure to make your life easier, so don’t overcomplicate things!
First and foremost, ensure your initial plan is easy to follow and understand.
Additionally, make sure your system is working to make your company perform more efficiently. If you are not seeing results, consider revising your plan or contacting your provider to optimise how your storage system is operating.
Choosing the Right Electronic Record Storage System
Deciding on the proper electronic record storage system will depend on your organisation’s needs.
Business who require regular access to their documents will work best with a hybridised system. This service entails offsite storage facilities being used to keep the physical files that are rarely used along with the regularly used files kept in the office and implementing an electronic storage database for files that can be kept digitally.
For companies who do not require physical copies of documents, transitioning to a fully electronic document management system is definitely a viable option.
Tecres Technologies Is Your Document Management Solution, call Julius/Fidelis on 08020619478/08062539412 or Visit www.tecres.com.ng
Wednesday, January 25, 2017
Top Reasons You Should Implement Document Scanning In 2017
If your company is a holdout in moving to digitising their documents here are 10 reasons to get scanning.
1) Get Your Business Ready for the Future
In the past documents have been stored in a variety of formats. Some have fallen out of favour such as microfiche and microfilm. These records must now be converted a second time to digital format. Digital records can be converted to any new format with software in moments.
2) Increase Security and Protect Your Business
step up security minimise risk on DMS systems through document scanningPrivacy laws including HIPAA and FACTA require a business to keep control over its private information. With electronic documents, it is easier to maintain control. This is because you can focus security all the way down to the document level and access can be changed instantly as job functions change or employees leave. You can also track what each employee looks at and/or accesses.
3) Comply With All Disclosure Laws
Legal disclosure laws require a business to quickly find all relevant documents requested. This process tends to be a lot easier when you have the ability to send electronic documents.
4) Get Back On Your Feet Quickly With Easy-to-Use Disaster Recovery
Disaster Recovery Plan, Drip involves DMS systems, backup, and document scanningWhat would be the consequences of losing all of your records? Most businesses only have one copy of their company records and store that on site.
This puts you at risk for burglary, flood and fire. Scanned documents can be backed up to a remote server on a regular basis and really help solidify your disaster recovery plan.
5) Collaborate With Coworkers and Vendors Quickly & Easily
Document scanning allows teams to work on projects across geographic areas. Company records can be accessed, modified, and uploaded simultaneously by everyone in the office, providing valuable information to your employees whenever they need it.
6) Go Green
Cut back on paper and ink for printing. Electronic records also require less energy to store than climate controlled records storage facilities.
7) Cloud Services Make It Easier to Distribute Files Anywhere
Data recovery and backup are streamlined with cloud services and document scanningAvoid the trouble of finding a record, making a copy and then sending it through the mail or FedEx.
Remote employees and partners also have access to document near instantly with email. This is a big advantage for medical offices that are bombarded with requests from patients.
8) Increase Efficiency In Your Document Management Processes
Employees waste a great deal of time looking for records. They can be at their desk or in the official company records. Electronic records are easily found via search functions- and don’t require time to file after they are used.
9) Reduce The Space Paper Documents Take Up In Your Office and File Room
Millions of scanned documents can be stored in a server. To store a similar number of paper documents would require rooms and rooms.
10) Save Time & Money in the Short and Long Term
Save time and moneyThe last but definitely most important reason for document scanning is saving money. Cut your storage costs, the number of employees needed to maintain and retrieve records and improve everyone’s productivity. Whether you choose to do it yourself, or you are looking for a professional scanning company to help you digitise your office, our experts are here to help!
Let a professional, secure company and staff take the hassle out of your records scanning project. Call Julius/Fidelis on 08020619478/08062539412 or Visit www.tecres.com.ng
Friday, January 20, 2017
10 Signs Your Company Needs a New Document Management System
Not all document management solutions are created equal. There's an abundance of products on the market designed to help organisations manage their information—but it can be hard to tell which ones are the most effective for businesses. Because of this, companies sometimes end up with systems that don't support their full spectrum of document management needs.
Here are some indicators that you need might to replace your document management solution:
1. There is a significant amount of manual work required for document capture.
Document capture doesn't need to be painstaking work. If your capture software doesn't provide a level of automation that greatly reduces or eliminates the amount of manual sorting, data entry and exceptions processing you have to do, it's probably time to take a look at an alternative or consider adding an advanced capture solution to your current ECM platform.
2. There is a low success rate for classification.
Document management products that provide scanning or capture functionality and promise automatic classification are extremely appealing to businesses because of the expectation that they will eliminate the need to pre-sort documents. However, not all of these classification engines have the same level of effectiveness. If your software is averaging low rates of document recognition, you need to find a better solution.
3. The system doesn't provide efficient accessibility options.
There are two aspects to this point. One is that the right information needs to be easily accessible to the proper personnel without them having to jump through hoops. The other is that the system's security needs to be able to keep information from getting into the wrong hands. The best way to make sure both of these are taken care of is through secure user roles, which allow access to specific items based on permission settings.
4. The system is difficult to use, which has led to poor adoption rates.
A solution is useless unless your organisation takes advantage of it. If this isn't happening in your company, you need to assess if poor adoption is due to the product being too difficult to use, outdated or ineffective. If so, start looking for a more efficient solution.
5. There is no search function or it is not effective.
Search is an essential element of document management. Your document management solution should include a document capture application that transforms scanned images into searchable documents, as well as a document repository that supports quick, easy searches for the information you need.
6. It is unable to scale throughout the enterprise, or it is very difficult and costly to do so.
Sometimes companies acquire a solution specific to a certain department or pain point. This is understandable when there is an obvious problem that needs to be solved within an organisation. Trouble arises when the organisation is ready to expand the solution throughout the enterprise and the software is not conducive to such a change. While the solution might have worked for its original purpose, it's now time to make a change that will benefit the organisation as a whole.
7. Configuration is time-consuming and requires professional assistance.
While no one expects the entire office to know how to configure and make changes to the document management system, making minor adjustments shouldn't require sending for reinforcements in the form of billable hours. If your system is so complex that it's costing you more in support than it's saving you, it's time to find a simpler solution.
8. The system does not support integration with your databases or other applications.
Standalone applications simply don't cut it in today's world. Businesses need to be able to leverage their existing assets in order to get the best return on their investments and run their business in the most efficient way possible. Your capture program and ECM system should both support integration with your company's databases and scanning/MFP/fax devices.
9. Regulatory requirements are not being met.
Whether your organisation needs to adhere to HIPAA, FINRA, DoD requirements or other regulations, you need a document management system that helps you remain compliant. If your solution doesn't provide the appropriate security features for compliance, it's time to find one that does.
10. It doesn't offer business process/workflow automation.
While there are many reasons for implementing document management in your company, one obvious benefit is the ability to streamline processes and make your business more efficient. If your current solution isn't meeting those expectations, you should consider looking for one that will truly help optimise your processes and increase efficiency throughout the organisation.
Ready to take the first step to acquiring a more effective document management solution? Contact TECRES for details on our advanced document capture offerings and find out how our robust range of automation tools can improve your business.
Tuesday, January 17, 2017
Why Document Scanning And Digitization Is Important To Oil And Gas In Nigeria
The Oil and Gas industry need successful document management processes to mitigate risk, control project value chains, coordinate deliverables from multiple contractors and produce auditable records.
Well logging is the practice of making detailed records of geological formations penetrated by a borehole and is conducted at several stages in the drilling process. Well logs are the data “backbone” of the petroleum industry and are used by geologists, geophysicists and engineers. Imagine trying to handle paper versions of such vital data while on site, or while researching previous projects. Through well log document scanning and digitisation, the images and hard copies are converted into electronic data that can then be used by a computer. This makes accessing this type of information easier.
By employing the scanning and digitisation process, the information contained in the oil and Gas sector can be handled and stored more securely than it’s paper counterpart. Multiple users are able to access the digitised well log data at an office computer or while on site.
The data format of the well logs regarded as LAS files have broad use for the exploration and production industry. Such information includes actual measurements of subsurface properties from down-hole sensors. The improved ability to read and use such digitised well log data allows analysts to easily re-visit any data necessary for ongoing projects.
The preservation of well logs ensures that the historical insights provided by the drilling will remain intact and accessible for exploration and development efforts. Geologists have traditionally had to sort through dated archives of paper records. Too often, such records can be lost or damaged. The manual searches through hard-copy well-logs can take up as much as 40% of geoscientists time. Imagine if that information was readily available on a computer or even hand-held device?
If properly done, the scanning of well-log data can capture header information, digitise specified curves and utilise back-ups. Capturing the measurements of rock and fluid properties allows for quantifying potential depth zones containing oil and gas. Without an accurate, easy to read version of these measurements, mistakes could be made along the drilling process.
With the potential changes in the oil and gas industry looming, why not be prepared to change with the times. Moving into well-log document scanning and digitising in Nigeria preserves the integrity of valuable data, makes it easier to share the information with other workers on a project, ensures that the critical data is preserved for years to come, and provides a quick turnaround time for field assessment.
Tuesday, January 10, 2017
Why SMEs Need An Electronic Document Management System
If your Small/Medium sized Business is like most, you’ve probably kicked around the idea of going paperless. You’ve weighed the pros and cons of the benefits vs. the expenses of an electronic document management (EDM) system, but you still haven’t taken the plunge. Maybe the expenditure seems a little beyond your budget, or maybe the idea of implementing a new technology is intimidating. Meanwhile, while you continue to straddle the fence regarding an implementation, more and more of your incoming business documents are electronic. You’re probably saving them in the My Documents folder of your computer, and wondering whether there is a more logical way to organise your information.
You’re probably also already using scanners and electronic faxes in addition to your computer storage media. In terms of hardware, you’ve made investments that offer the potential to significantly increase your output. Unfortunately, in a mixed environment that uses paper and electronic processes, documents often do not offer the ability for search and retrieval. It can be difficult to access your corporate information, and difficult to reap the potential for profits that are offered as part of your existing investment in technology.
An Electronic Document Management solution provides Small/Medium sized businesses with the ability to capture, organise, and immediately retrieve documents. With workflow, EDM minimised the potential for human error by ensuring that the right information is electronically routed to the right person at the right time. EDM allows SMBs to manage the entire document lifecycle—when documents are backed up, how long they are stored, and when they are purged from the system. All of these components are critical in today’s environment.
For many SMBs, transitioning to paperless processing is not a choice anymore. In order to remain competitive, they need to be able to integrate their existing technology into their line-of-business applications. Paperless processing offers a means to increase turnaround and decrease processing time. The good news is that there has never been a better time to invest in an EDM system—even for those organisations with limited monetary and IT resources.
Usually, one of the biggest hurdles for SMBs with respect to an EDM system is the cost. Once organisations commit to making that initial investment, however, they have the potential to reap tremendous ROI. EDM gives them the ability to automate processes, which helps them increase their output without increasing staff. EDM is finally affordable to SMBs. One small insurance company was anticipating the ability to pay off their EDM investment by selling their fireproof filing cabinets—once the paper was eliminated, they no longer had a use for them. Add to that the elimination of paper storage costs, as well as savings in the toner, ink, paper, mailing, and improved internal communication, and SMBs are able to see the potential for immediate Return On Investment.
The reality is that for most SMBs, going paperless is no longer a choice. The world is transitioning to electronic communications whether or not your infrastructure is set up to handle it. The majority of business communications take place using technologies using email messaging, faxes, voice files, text messages, and digital photographs. The business world is inundated with electronic communications as well as paper. Transitioning to paperless processing seems like a logical step for SMBs; however, perceived pricing and IT considerations often hold them back.
For organisations that are intimidated at the thought of implementing new technology, it is encouraging to note that EDM systems are more user-friendly than ever. Often, EDM systems work behind the scenes. End-users are unaware that new technology has even been implemented. Users are able to continue to work in their familiar software environments and do not have to learn any complicated new programs.
Some savvy organisations serve customers by using EDM automation to trigger phone messages or email notifications in order to inform clients of a need for updated address information. Others are able to improve service by placing barcodes on their outgoing mail. When mail is returned, processing can be expedited with automation that is triggered by the barcodes.
More often than not, compliance requirements involve privacy, security, tracking, monitoring, auditing, and the ability to perform advanced analytics that is well beyond the scope of capabilities offered by a paper system. Companies, regardless of size, have to be able to demonstrate accountability. It is not a valid excuse for a company to claim that it is too small—or doesn’t have the resources—to address these issues. Retention and destruction schedules are also an important compliance measure. Under a paper-based system, it is very possible that you are holding on to documents (and paying for their storage) well beyond the time that is required. On the flip side, it is possible that documents that have to be saved for a number of years are being destroyed prematurely. An EDM system allows you to automate retention and destruction schedules, taking the potential for human error out of the equation.
Should your organisation find itself in the unenviable position of a litigation scenario, EDM can help you locate and retrieve materials that are required as part of the eDiscovery process. Companies that have not transitioned from paper processes to electronic have learned the hard lesson that in an eDiscovery situation, the cost of locating hard-to-find (or missing) paper documents can often pay for an EDM system many times over.
Disaster recovery is another area in which an EDM more that pays for itself. A solid disaster recovery plan, coupled with an EDM system, can help you get your business back up and running after disaster strikes. In such a scenario, it can mean the difference between survival and collapse.
For SMBs that really do take advantage of the potential that EDM has to offer, the ability to electronically store and retrieve information is a launching point. Talk to your peers who have implemented EDM. Look into the differences between vendor offerings. Define for yourself what constitutes easy-to-use, adaptable, and scalable functionality. You may be more ready than you think!
Friday, January 6, 2017
10 Benefits of a Document Management System in Healthcare
Let's face it. The health care industry utilises a lot of forms and paperwork. Patient forms, doctor notes, payment receipts, insurance cards, diagnosis codes, lab results - all from just one patient! Plus, there are guidelines for patient privacy and document security. Physicians are required to retain patient medical records and recordings, including deceased patients, for a minimum of 10 years from the date of the patient’s last visit.
So why should healthcare businesses bother implementing a document management system? Below are 10 reasons why it’s a good idea to switch from a paper-based process to electronic form.
1. Easy to implement and manage
The process of a DMS is simple: Paper documents are generated or come into the office, clinic or hospital, and are scanned into the system. Each scanned document is indexed and attached to either an existing electronic patient record or a new one can be created.
2. Increased productivity
With a DMS, you can reduce the time to access patient files by simply keying in a search term. Each document that is converted to electronic form is given a unique identifier (usually an index number) and can be searched for through various search terms. Physicians and administrators can search a patient’s name and retrieve their medical record in mere seconds, leaving them more time to spend on value-added activities.
3. Eliminates human error
Mistakes are unavoidable when dealing with vast amounts of paper documents. Too much paper causes clutter, and clutter increases the occurrence of lost or misplaced files and pertinent documents. Therefore, a Document Management System aids in reducing adverse drug events, such as improper dosage of medications. If files or documents are misplaced, physicians are not able to know what medications a patient may have adverse reactions to. This increases patient safety and protects physicians from potential regulatory and legal sanctions.
4. Reduces costs
There are many cost-saving benefits of a DMS:
• Reduce the cost of physical storage space – A hospital, can spend large amounts of money each year on storage for patient files. In addition to the cost of the physical storage, most medical storage facilities charge a fee every time an employee handles a document. This means there is a charge for retrieval of the required document, delivery of the document and yet another charge for the document’s return to the storage facility. This process can often take several days to complete and physicians may be forced to see patients without their full medical record on hand (this is where the earlier point of human error comes in).
• Reduce the cost of paper – photocopying, faxing, printing, etc.
• Reduce the need for additional staff – Extremely busy offices, like those of high-demand specialists, in particular, staff more office administrators in order to deal with the large amounts of paperwork coming into and generated by the office. A DMS can reduce the needs for extra staff, in turn, reducing operation costs.
• Document management systems are relatively inexpensive compared to that of more sophisticated EMR systems. A document management system can be used as a transitional or alternative system to an EMR for physicians who are not ready to dive into an expensive, more sophisticated system, or for those who don’t feel they need the level of sophistication an EMR provides.
5. Improves patient care and satisfaction
Converting paper documents to electronic forms gives physicians and administrators more time to devote to patient care and value-added activities. Less search and faster retrieval times result in more time tending to patient needs. This, in turn, increases patient satisfaction.
6. Increases security through audit trails
An audit trail shows the date, time and username for each activity that takes place on a record. This allows administrators to monitor record activity and ensures security and compliance. A DMS can also be equipped with “rights management” which allows administrators to input who can do what with each document. This ensures that the proper business practices are followed and that content is properly captured, stored, managed, and disposed of at the appropriate and legal time in its lifecycle.
7. Maintains regulatory compliance
Security control is a critical regulatory requirement. A Document Management System offers seamless conversion of paper documents into electronic files to control information access and increase confidentiality. Security features, disaster recovery and enhanced auditing ensure regulatory compliance.
8. Easily integrates with existing systems
A DMS can be easily integrated into most office systems. This means that doctors and administrators don’t need to spend valuable time on training for a new system.
9. Reduces the risk of damage
Storing paper documents and patient medical records on-site can be risky business. Documents can be destroyed by fire, flood, and natural disasters such as severe storms.
10. Enhances collaboration
Documents can be retrieved and modified by a user while access is denied to others while that particular document is being used. This reduces duplicates and old versions of content to be kept in the system. Collaboration features can also allow multiple users to view and alter a document at the same time. Whether or not a document is available to only one user or many users at the same time will be specified by the administrator, depending on office needs.
Given all of these reasons, it makes sense for doctors of private practice, health clinics, and hospitals to start implementing a document management system to manage their medical records.
And if those 10 benefits aren’t reason enough, here’s a bonus: Document management systems are environmentally friendly. By reducing the use of paper, medical offices can do their part to help save our forests and those animals that depend on them for survival. Just one more reason why switching to a DMS system makes good sense!
Well, you don't have to look any further when seeking a document management solution that will keep your organisation's medical records safe, secure and organised. call Julius/Fidelis on 08020619478/08062539412 or Visit www.tecres.com.ng
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