If your company is a holdout in moving to digitising their documents here are 10 reasons to get scanning.
1) Get Your Business Ready for the Future
In the past documents have been stored in a variety of formats. Some have fallen out of favour such as microfiche and microfilm. These records must now be converted a second time to digital format. Digital records can be converted to any new format with software in moments.
2) Increase Security and Protect Your Business
step up security minimise risk on DMS systems through document scanningPrivacy laws including HIPAA and FACTA require a business to keep control over its private information. With electronic documents, it is easier to maintain control. This is because you can focus security all the way down to the document level and access can be changed instantly as job functions change or employees leave. You can also track what each employee looks at and/or accesses.
3) Comply With All Disclosure Laws
Legal disclosure laws require a business to quickly find all relevant documents requested. This process tends to be a lot easier when you have the ability to send electronic documents.
4) Get Back On Your Feet Quickly With Easy-to-Use Disaster Recovery
Disaster Recovery Plan, Drip involves DMS systems, backup, and document scanningWhat would be the consequences of losing all of your records? Most businesses only have one copy of their company records and store that on site.
This puts you at risk for burglary, flood and fire. Scanned documents can be backed up to a remote server on a regular basis and really help solidify your disaster recovery plan.
5) Collaborate With Coworkers and Vendors Quickly & Easily
Document scanning allows teams to work on projects across geographic areas. Company records can be accessed, modified, and uploaded simultaneously by everyone in the office, providing valuable information to your employees whenever they need it.
6) Go Green
Cut back on paper and ink for printing. Electronic records also require less energy to store than climate controlled records storage facilities.
7) Cloud Services Make It Easier to Distribute Files Anywhere
Data recovery and backup are streamlined with cloud services and document scanningAvoid the trouble of finding a record, making a copy and then sending it through the mail or FedEx.
Remote employees and partners also have access to document near instantly with email. This is a big advantage for medical offices that are bombarded with requests from patients.
8) Increase Efficiency In Your Document Management Processes
Employees waste a great deal of time looking for records. They can be at their desk or in the official company records. Electronic records are easily found via search functions- and don’t require time to file after they are used.
9) Reduce The Space Paper Documents Take Up In Your Office and File Room
Millions of scanned documents can be stored in a server. To store a similar number of paper documents would require rooms and rooms.
10) Save Time & Money in the Short and Long Term
Save time and moneyThe last but definitely most important reason for document scanning is saving money. Cut your storage costs, the number of employees needed to maintain and retrieve records and improve everyone’s productivity. Whether you choose to do it yourself, or you are looking for a professional scanning company to help you digitise your office, our experts are here to help!
Let a professional, secure company and staff take the hassle out of your records scanning project. Call Julius/Fidelis on 08020619478/08062539412 or Visit www.tecres.com.ng
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