Monday, February 13, 2017

Benefit of E-Archiving Your Documents

Document scanning has become one of the most talked about methods of keeping files safe and secure. A way to minimise clutter, improve staff efficiency and save money on costly storage, in this digital day and age, traditional forms of filing are rapidly becoming outdated.

E-archiving is one of the best ways to protect old documents and kick-start a business’ move towards digital technologies while meeting all relevant security protocols and company policies.
There’s no denying the world is racing towards a fully-digital future. The tangible benefits digitalisation offers for businesses cannot be underestimated. Yet many are still reluctant to make the switch through fear of the unknown. E-archiving offers up pure, workable benefits with no downsides, and the sooner companies realise this, the better off they’ll be – both in their pockets and throughout the business as a whole.
It’s estimated that office workers spend between five and 15% of their time reading information, but up to 50% of their time hunting for it. Yet sometimes, they never find what they are looking for; 7.5% of all documents get lost, while 3.5% of the remainder get misfiled. And all of this comes at a cost.

And it’s not just in their pocket that businesses can make a real difference.E-archiving and digitalisation really shows customers and staff alike how much they are committed to supporting a sustainable future.

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